180 billion virgins are in Paradise. 3.25 TIMES THE NUMER OF HUMANS WHO HAVE EVER LIVED
The present population of the world is 7 billion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_population
There are presently 1.6 billion Muslims http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_religious_populations#Muslims_2
God hates all non Muslims and has condemned them to hell and damnation. 5.4 billion are going straight to hell. (Quran 7:179 Allah has already sent many people and jinn to hell. They were worse than cows: they couldn't see or hear and were neglectful.)
God hates all Muslim women or 50% of all Muslims totaling 800,000,000 sending them to join kafirs in Hell and damnation leaving 800,000,000 Muslim men.
"I (Mohammed) have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-Fire were women... [because] they are ungrateful to their husbands and they are deficient in intelligence" (Sahih Bukhari: 2:18:161; 7:62:125,).
Of these, 87.5 % are Sunni or 700,000,000. (Shiite men are 100,000,000 http://www.pewforum.org/Muslim/Mapping-the-Global-Muslim-Population(6).aspx ) Since Shiites are kafirs to Sunni this leaves us 700,000,000 Muslim men.
But God does not love all Muslim men equally. He has the highest regard for Arab Muslim Sunni men who are his exalted.
The Quran was sent only for the Arabs is in verses 26: 198-199
And if WE had sent it down to one of the non-Arabs, and he had read it to them, they would never have believed in it.
There are 350,000,000 Arabs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_world of which 175,000,000 are Arab men. Of these 25,000,000 are Shiite men leaving 150,000,000 Arab Sunni men
God does not love all Arab Sunni men equally. He has the highest regard for Saudi Sunni men.
Quran 6.92
And this is a Book which WE have revealed, full of blessings, to fulfill that which preceded it, and to enable thee to warn the Mother of towns and those around it.
The mother of towns, Umul Qura, is Mecca. This verse says Islam was sent to warn Mecca and its surrounding.
While Saudi Arabia's population as of the April 2010 Census was 27,136,977 there were only 18,707,576 Saudi nationals - the rest - 8,429,401 are non-nationals. This means there are 9, 353, 788 Saudi men.
The percentage of the majority Salafis are estimated at 85-90% while Shiites, who comprise the largest Muslim minority are 10-15% of the population.
Therefore there are 7,950,720 Saudi Sunni men who are the Exalted of God
Therefore God truly loves 7,950,720 or 0.0011358 % of humanity. Kafirs and Muslim women He hates with a passion. They are all going to roast in the eternal fires of hell for Muslim women having the very grave misfortune of being born Muslim women and not Muslim men, female kafirs for having the very grave misfortune of being born kafir women and not Muslim men and male kafirs for refusing to become Muslim men.
Worse then this
There have been 57 billion humans who have ever lived http://www.teoti.net/history/99973-how-many-people-have-ever-lived.html Of the 50 billion total already dead probably no more then 5 billion were Muslims or 2.5 billion Muslim men. Therefore there are 47.5 billion kafirs and Muslim women in hell.
There are 72 virgins in Paradise for every Muslim man or presently 180,000,000,000 virgins in Paradise. This is 3.25 times more then the amount of humanity who has ever lived. Given that Muslim men have eternal sex with eternal erections..
Al-Suyuti (15th century), another famous Islamic theologian and Quranic commentator adds: "Each time we sleep with a houri (heavenly virgins) we find her virgin. Besides, the penis of the Elected (Muslims in heaven) never softens. The erection is eternal; the sensation that you feel each time you make love is utterly delicious and out of this world ....”
and assuming their prowess allows them continuous sex for 30 minutes/virgin (all the virgin can take and then she must regenerate herself as a virgin for the next Exalted one) - this means 48 copulations /day assuming a 24 hr day in Paradise and for all Muslim men 12 billion/day or 4.35 trillion copulations /year.
This is truly a Paradise to murder for.
(Of course, the reality is that all Muslim women are going to heaven as a reward for the physical and psychological torture they have endured all their lives at the hands of Muslim men and 99% of all kafirs are going to Heaven since they are good people. All Muslim men are going to join their prophet Muhammad in hell and damnation for having been granted free will to choose good or evil - they choose the evil of Islam. This means that Hell is composed of 2.975 billion human souls: 2.5 billion Muslim men and 475,000,000 million kafirs.)